Kirsten Nelson

LLM (Univ. of Sydney) 2000,
BCom (UNSW) 1992,
Executive Masters of Public Administration (ANZSOG) 2020
Year admitted to practice
1993 in NSW
Year elected to WABA
Kirsten is an experienced advocate, appearing in courts and tribunals in New South Wales and Western Australia, both as a solicitor and a barrister.
Kirsten undertook her undergraduate legal training in Sydney, completing a Law/Commerce degree and joining the NSW Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions in the complex trial team. She moved to Perth in 1998 joining the WA DPP, then advising the Commissioner for Consumer Protection before joining the Corruption and Crime Commission.
At the Corruption and Crime Commission Kirsten was Executive Director of Legal Services and responsible for a team of lawyers providing legal advice and support to the corporate and operational areas of the investigatory agency. Her involvement in corruption and unexplained wealth investigations over a decade has developed her expertise in advising on criminal investigation powers as well as coercive powers.
Kirsten most recently acted as Counsel assisting the Corruption and Crime Commission, including during several high profile misconduct examinations of senior public officers and elected Members of Parliament. Kirsten was Counsel assisting during the Perth Casino Royal Commission.
Whilst at the NSW and WA Offices of the Director of Public Prosecutions, Kirsten has appeared as prosecuting counsel in jury trials in the District and Supreme Courts as well as pleas, sentencing and bail hearings for serious drug and sex offences, fraud, arson and serious assaults.
After leaving the WA ODPP Kirsten expanded her public law experience by working on regulatory and licencing prosecutions before the Supreme Court, Magistrates Court and at the State Administrative Tribunal. Kirsten has experience advising and prosecuting breaches of consumer protection laws, as well as some experience with family law matters.
Kirsten is a nationally accredited mediator.
Administrative Law
Commissions Inquests and Inquiries
Coronial Inquests
Corruption and Misconduct
Inquiries and Roal Commissions
Proceeds of Crime and Money Laundering
Public and Government Prosecutions
Royal Commissions