Scott Young

LLB BSc (Pure Mathematics)
Year admitted to practice
Year elected to WABA
Scott was admitted as a lawyer in WA in 2016 and as a barrister in NSW in 2021. Scott has a broad practice including commercial litigation, criminal law (both prosecution and defence) and public law (including inquests, inquiries, migration and professional discipline) matters. He appears in all Australian jurisdictions.
From 2017 to 2021, Scott was a federal prosecutor at the Sydney and Melbourne offices of the Commonwealth DPP. In 2018, he was the Associate to the Director. From 2014 to 2016, he was the Associate to Justice Mitchell of the WA Court of Appeal.
Scott is a member of the CDPP’s counsel panel, and has special expertise in financial crime, fraud and corruption matters involving large volumes of digital and documentary evidence. He holds a Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Science (Pure Mathematics) from the University of Western Australia and previously worked as a software developer.
Selected cases:
Baumgarten and eSafety Commissioner (Guidance and Appeals Panel) [2025] ARTA 59, for merits review applicant
N v Minister for Immigration [2024] FCA 468, for judicial review applicant
R (Cth) v V [2023] ACTSC 59; 383 FLR 366, [2024] ACTSC 2, for Crown in permanent stay and disclosure applications
G & G [2023] FedCFamC1F 920, [2023] FedCFamC1F 968, for interim property settlement applicant
Inquests into the deaths of K and L [2023] NSWCorC 16, [2023] NSWCorC 17 (led by D Ward SC), as counsel assisting
N and Minister for Immigration [2023] AATA 181, for applicant for revocation of visa cancellation
R (Cth) v E and K [2022] ACTSC 156, [2022] ACTSC 313 (led by D Staehli SC, A Haban-Beer and J Nottle), for Crown in conspiracy to defraud trial
RRCX and Minister for Immigration [2022] AATA 379, for applicant for revocation of visa cancellation
New South Wales v K [2021] NSWSC 915 (led by M Johnston SC and E Kerkyasharian), for respondent to Terrorism (High Risk Offenders) Act application
Practice Areas
Administrative Law
Appeals & Judicial Reviews
Civil Litigation
Coronial Inquests
Corruption & Misconduct
Proceeds of Crime
Public & Government Prosecution
White Collar Crime